Thoughts of Ginger

slice of life

I often wonder what my pug, Ginger, is thinking. I wish sometimes she could talk. As I let her out this morning to do her business she hesitates to go down into the grass. It is not until I say “get down there” that she will go down like she needs an invitation or permission to go every time. Is it that she doesn’t want to miss anything I am doing? Then she goes into the bathroom and decides she wants to get into the trash to see what she can find. Is a tissue from the trash really that tasty? Is it that she knows she is being naughty and thinks it’s a game? Once I divert her attention from the trash can she proceeds to the toilet paper. Again a game or just something to eat?

Ginger was not feeling well on Monday after she ate her dinner. You can always tell when she is going to get sick because she has such sad eyes. She just lays on the floor unsure of what to do. Is she thinking Mommy why aren’t you helping me?

As my husband and I talk to Ginger she always tilts her head like she is listening. What is she really thinking?  I would love to know the thoughts of my precious Ginger.





3 thoughts on “Thoughts of Ginger

  1. lynnedorfman says:

    I feel the same way about my Corgis. Shelly, I know how much you love your little dog. Ginger is a family member. You will have many more stories to share about he, I’m sure!


  2. Ginger sounds like a fun pup. My niece has a puggle, and the pug part comes out more than the beagle. What fun they are. I, too, wonder what my kitties are thinking. One of them cocks her head like your Ginger and seems to be taking in everything I say. Animals are such a joy!


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