
I’m always thankful for this community of writers. Every year I look forward to the Slice of Life challenge. It not only makes me a better writer, but allows me to make connections with amazing people! It has been an unusual challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been extremely beneficial to be surrounded by those in the same situation sharing feelings and experiences. Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this amazing community and all your support in this new journey we are all navigating.

A reflection of why I write…

Release stress.
Express my feelings.
Hold my thoughts.
An escape.
Share experiences.
Capture ideas.
Store memories.
Experiment with new formats and strategies.
Build connections.
Just LOVE it!
A teacher of writing needs to write!

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


A Success

The first day of virtual learning was a success! It went fairly smoothly. Not a crazy amount of emails with questions or issues. I received the day’s work already by 11:30 from one student (didn’t waste any time starting)! Also, I’m proud to say all my parents checked in their child and we had 100% attendance!!!! I am thrilled with our first day of diving into online learning! I’m so proud of my Kindergarteners!!!💜💛 Day 1 ✅

Today’s Highlights

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


Sisterly Love

Sometimes pictures say it all. No words needed.

Sisterly love🐾 💕 …

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


The Joys of Spring

Sun shining brightly A breeze blowing my hair slightly
Newly mulched yards Freshly mowed grass soon to be in the cards
Rain showers Buds turning into flowers
Robins hoping to find a juicy worm for lunch Ants seen by the bunch
Bees and butterflies appearing For warmer days, we are cheering
Brown and white a thing of the past A variety of colors at last
All the joys of Spring!

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


My Day Got Brighter

Today I “Zoomed” with one of my students. Her mom sent me an email earlier this week asking if I had the Zoom app saying her daughter really misses me and wants to see me through video and talk to me.

How could I say no?? Of course, I downloaded the Zoom app as soon as I finished reading the email and emailed back saying I would love to! We set up to chat today at 11.

I’ve been longing to see my students. Longing for the connections again. Today, I received exactly what my heart has been aching for since school has closed.

Her smiles and excitement when we talked. Her wanting to show me around her house and things that were special to her (her dog, stuffed rabbit, somethings she made, her plant that she continued to care for after taking it home from school, just to name a few). It was so AMAZING to see and talk with her.
It truly brightened my day.☀️💜

I reached out to all my families saying I had the Zoom app and would love seeing and chatting with more students! I hope to connect with more of my students soon! Virtually is better than nothing!

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


Stressed and Overwhelmed

Today, we could get into our classrooms to get what we needed for virtual learning which begins on Monday. I have been going through my classroom in my head the last several days to figure out what I want to grab in my 10 minutes I was allotted to be there. So much to think about. So overwhelming.

I was greeted by my principal with an air hug and we conversed for a minute as we kept our distanced from each other.

It was eerily quiet walking down the hall. So sad. So surreal. Just wanted to cry.
“Where should I start?” I pondered.
I decided to tackle the science materials first which were in the front of the building. I grabbed what I needed and set off to my classroom. I glanced at the clock upon entering my classroom.

Only two minutes left of my allotted time. I texted my principal who was monitoring the door asking if it was okay to be longer if I kept my door shut.
“Absolutely,” she replied.
I ran around (like a chicken with its head cut off) my classroom grabbing everything I thought I might need. Felt like I was on the game show, Supermarket Sweep!
Okay, I think I’m done.” Checked my list (knew with being so overwhelmed I would not remember everything I definitely wanted to get).
“Ugh!” I groaned. Forgot a few items (good thing for that list!).
Frantically, rummaging through my books trying to locate specific titles (need to organize these better). “There they are!” I excitedly uttered. Sigh of relief. I grabbed a few other items and was out the door.
Well, I couldn’t do it in ten minutes. It took me twenty. How do you quickly choose what you need to virtually teach from a plethora of materials you use on a daily basis in the classroom? I want to be successful teaching virtually for my students, parents, administrators, and myself.

Let the new adventure begin.

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


A Special Person

Do you have someone in your life that makes you smile just thinking of them? Talking to them and seeing them just makes everything better? You can be miserable, but no matter what they make you smile.

For me it is my best friend (more like a sister), Cindy!

Cindy brings me so much joy and can make me smile no matter what. She is the most caring, loving, supportive, genuine, thoughtful, generous, kind-hearted, beautiful person I ever met. We instantly connected when we met six years ago and formed an unbreakable, incredible bond over the years. I know I can always count on her and she will be there no matter what. We tell each other anything and everything. I’ve always wanted a sister and was so very blessed when Cindy came into my life.

It’s been a hectic few days since our district is preparing for virtual learning which kicks off Monday. I haven’t been sleeping well. I have been overwhelmed and my mind on overdrive.

Today, I got just what I needed! Cindy! We FaceTimed for about a hour.
We laughed. We shared. We smiled. We chatted.
We were separated by a screen, but it was amazing to see her smiling face. Cindy is the best! I adore her and miss our time together deeply. At least, we have technology…

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


My Day

My district is going to virtual learning next week. It’s been a busy few days preparing! Short slice about my day.

A day of

Phone calls
Virtual meetings

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


What is Red?

What is Red?

Red is the soft blanket keeping me warm on this rainy, chilly day (Rylee is enjoying the coziness of it too).
Red is the belly of a robin looking for a juicy worm for lunch.
Red is a brilliantly colored cardinal perched on a branch.
Red is the glow of a fire in a fire pit creating the perfect toasted marshmallow.
Red is my heart filled with never ending love for everyone during this difficult time.

Red is the amazing American Red Cross helping those in need.
Red is hot, bubbling lava flowing from an erupting volcano.
Red is a crayon drawing a beautiful picture complete with flowers and hearts.

Red is a lovely fragrant rose with sharp thorns.
Red is the first color in a rainbow that illuminates the sky after a summer rain.
Red is the color of my favorite baseball team. Go Phillies(when you are able to play again)!
Red is juicy watermelon awaiting your be eaten on a hot summer day.
Red is a shiny, round apple that you enjoy as a healthy snack.
Red is a delicious cherry on top of a mound of whipped cream on an ice cream sundae.
Red is the tasty marinara sauce on top of a plate full of spaghetti.

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


Many Thanks

We are experiencing stress and worry during this time of uncertainty. There have been many restrictions put into place across the world. Many of us are practicing social distancing and not leaving our homes with the exception of taking a walk or getting some essentials. However, many people are not able to stay home. There are important people I wanted to recognize and take a moment to thank for their hard work, dedication, compassion, and perseverance. I greatly appreciate their work during this pandemic.

Thank you to the retail workers for spending tireless hours restocking shelves with food and essential items for us.

Thank you to the truck drivers for making the deliveries to the stores so the retail workers have items to restock.

Thank you to the healthcare workers for treating and testing an endless number of patients for COVID-19 and preexisting health conditions.

Thank you to the police officers and firefighters for continuing to keep us safe during this time of uncertainty.

Thank you to all the educators and administrators for diving into uncharted waters to continue the education of the students.

Thank you to my students’ parents who have been appreciative of my emails and sending me heartwarming emails to keep me connected to my students.

Thank you to those taking this pandemic seriously and adhering to the recommendations of social-distancing to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!
