A Special Person

Do you have someone in your life that makes you smile just thinking of them? Talking to them and seeing them just makes everything better? You can be miserable, but no matter what they make you smile.

For me it is my best friend (more like a sister), Cindy!

Cindy brings me so much joy and can make me smile no matter what. She is the most caring, loving, supportive, genuine, thoughtful, generous, kind-hearted, beautiful person I ever met. We instantly connected when we met six years ago and formed an unbreakable, incredible bond over the years. I know I can always count on her and she will be there no matter what. We tell each other anything and everything. I’ve always wanted a sister and was so very blessed when Cindy came into my life.

It’s been a hectic few days since our district is preparing for virtual learning which kicks off Monday. I haven’t been sleeping well. I have been overwhelmed and my mind on overdrive.

Today, I got just what I needed! Cindy! We FaceTimed for about a hour.
We laughed. We shared. We smiled. We chatted.
We were separated by a screen, but it was amazing to see her smiling face. Cindy is the best! I adore her and miss our time together deeply. At least, we have technology…

#SOL20 is my fifth year participating! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with incredible writers! This community brings me so much joy and inspiration! Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


3 thoughts on “A Special Person

  1. What a sweet post about the people who lift us up. Today I got to video chat with coworkers; it was so nice to hear and see their faces. I am also FaceTiming family more than ever these days. Stay safe and hang in there. Cindy is only a call away!

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