
Spring is warmer days.

NOT freezing days.

Spring is gentle warm breezes.

NOT cold gusts over 40 mph.

Spring is rain coming down to water the grass and plant life to come alive again.

NOT snow coming down blanketing it.

Spring is birds chirping.

NOT snow plows going up and down the streets.

Spring is enjoying the outdoors again.

NOT going outside to shovel and clean off cars.

Spring, where are you???

Thank you TWT for this amazing community of writers!


10 thoughts on “Spring?

  1. Heather Onderick says:

    Lol. It’s all relative, isn’t it? I am in Kuala Lumpur where it’s eternally summer. What I wouldn’t give for Spring. I remember my winters in other places though. You have captured the neverending aspect of some of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the humor in your poem. As I watch the snow fall outside my window, I completely relate. This is not how I planned to spend my spring break. But perhaps I’ll take a walk outside anyway and try to enjoy the “spring” day that Mother Nature gave me. Care to join me (virtually)?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this organizational structure, Shelly. It really works here. Best of all, you end with a question, completely changing the pattern and bringing closure to your piece. Balanced, fun to read. A great mentor text for students to try!

    Liked by 1 person

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