
slice of life

We made flowers today to think about spring. Yesterday, in our writer’s notebooks we thought about our senses in the spring. The students used their writer’s notebook to help them create their flowers today. Kindergarten writers are blooming!

Here is what spring is to me:

Spring is…

Making peanut butter eggs.

Hearing birds singing.

Grass becoming green again.

Seeing beautiful butterflies flutter from flower to flower.

Opening windows to let in the fresh air.

Bunnies hopping in the yard.

Robins finding their next meal.

Warmer weather.


Here are some examples of the flowers:

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From left to right: Spring is the season that Easter is here. It is the season that bees make honey. It is flowers bloom. Lots of people sneeze when they smell pollen. The mud is as squishy as goo.

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Rainbows. Jump in puddles. Smell flowers. I go to the playground. I have an Easter Egg hunt. Easter dress. Birds sing. 

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Left to right: Easter Sunday. St. Patrick’s Day. There is rain. Easter Bunny. April Fool’s Day.

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Left to right: Flowers. Go to the park. You hear birds singing. Green grass. Easter Bunny. Baseball.


6 thoughts on “Spring

  1. lynnedorfman says:

    The kids enjoyed describing spring on the flower petsls. They had lots of ideas! I love your line about opening windows to let in fresh air. Also, I like your description – the kindergarten writers are blooming! And so they truly are!

    Liked by 1 person

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